Protecting Values

April 29, 2011


It is interesting to compare the rhetoric and actions of groups like National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and Focus on the Family (FOF) and to compare and contrast them with their detractors and opponents, such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)

Very few people are of two minds about organizations like National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and Focus on the Family (FOF) and there are very, very few people who support either of these and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). They are very competitive organizations.

But few people know much about these organizations, even if they do support them. So, let's briefly look at some plain information:

Eastman, Baldwin and Nelles
Maggie Gallagher
Dr. Howard Brown, Bruce Voeller
James Dobson

So, who were these folks?

Quite a diverse group. What do their organizations say about themselves?

Organization Purpose
ACLU To defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
NOM To protect marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.
NGTLF to build the grassroots power of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and to support the struggle for complete equality and to support the respect for the diversity of human expression and identity and to create equal opportunity for all.
FOF Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive, providing help and resources for couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design, and for parents to raise their children according to morals and values grounded in biblical principles.

Now, let's get technical. All of these organizations is a non-profit charitable organization under the US 501(c)3 designation. One of the principle requirements for this tax-exam pt status is non-partisan status. The ACLU is rigidly non-partisan, with a long history of defending civil rights issues of many different parties and interests, often shocking members by defending such diverse groups as legal migrant workers' right to vote and neo-nazi groups' right to march. NOM and FOF support is confined almost entirely to Republican candidates and often advocates very specific candidates and legislative measures. NGTLF does the same, but for Democratic candidates and legislation.

But the biggest divide between these two groups of differing organization lies in the character of their support and opposition:

Organization Oppose Support
ACLU Special privilege, special rights for some. Equal rights for all under the law
NOM Equal rights for all under the law Special consideration and privilege for some
NGTLF Special privilege, special rights for some. Equal rights for all under the law
FOF Equal rights for all under the law Special consideration and privilege for some

Basically, both NOM and FOF support a position that there are things that are right and things that are wrong, and beyond that, that there are people who are good and people who are bad. FOF in particular supports a narrow, fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible and considers those who ascribe to different beliefs, especially Muslims and Atheists to be anti-ethical. Either you agree with us entirely, or you are entirely wrong.

Both the ACLU and NGTLF are broad consortiums of diverse people of many different beliefs. They judge people and groups not by their beliefs but by the effect of their actions upon people in the community. The principle ethical consideration of the NOM and FOF groups is rigid conformity to ideals, whereas the ACLU and NGTLF consider benefit or harm to the community to be the principle ethical consideration.

In today's complex and divisive political environment, it is always most important to evaluate not only what organizations say about themselves and what they do, but to critically evaluate the organizations' actions and the effect those actions have on others. If we fail to rigorously employ this scrutiny, we risk welcoming in the values of doctrinal ideologues every bit as rigid and inflexible as anything seen in Iran or Pakistan.

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